Thursday, July 24, 2008

Vacuuming my cracks

I got another wild hair up my butt today. I got the shop vac out and vacuumed the cracks in the hard wood floors in the living room. The floors are so old that the wood had shrunk and created gaps in between the boards. So much crap gets caught in my cracks!!! The floors are so hard to keep clean. I am torn between what is better, carpet or hard wood floors. Carpet is hard to keep free of spots and high traffic areas, but hardwood eventually gets high traffic areas too and don't get me started on the damn dust bunnies!!! I am not a vacuum fan. They are loud and blow dust every where. At least with hard wood floors, I can clean them while the baby is sleeping.

The kitchen is trashed, again. I plan on cleaning it, but I have to wait for Bella to get up from her nap. I just put her down not too long ago, so it should be a while. I am getting the feeling the work will never end. I wonder how I can get it to change, even just a bit. I do the same thing everyday. I wake up, make breakfast for the 3 of us. I do a few loads of laundry, then refold the laundry that got messed up the day before. This is where I would normally do pink cards, but I don't do those any more. Now I mess around online, talk to my friend Jessie for a hour or two. She at that point has to get ready for school. Then it is time to feed the kids, and get Bella ready for bed. While she is sleeping I take advantage of that time to do anything I planed on doing that I can not do while she is awake (sweep, mop, clean the bathroom, take a bath, clean the car out ect...). When she wakes up, it is snack time and bath time if we are going to take baths that day. I don't know why I give her a bath in the middle of the day, I just do. It gives me a chance to put her in a clean outfit. I start the dishes, dinner and finish up laundry at that time. Depending on the day, I have to also shower in between doing all this. I usually do not have time to sit down and eat what I have cooked, so I eat while serving the rest of the family and while doing my hair and makeup. I rush out the door to go to work, or take the kids to Johns work and by 6:30 I am clocking in at the Poe. I am off at 11:00, home by 11:30 and in bed some time after that. So I ask, will the mess ever go away? Will the nonstop cleaning up ever end? I don't mean everyday cleaning, but all the picking up after everyone. Am I breeding children that will not clean up after themselves? I clean up after myself, what is the problem? I mean, it is ok that you don't put everything away the second you are done with it, but slobs? Spencer is a slob. Where have I gone wrong. Please don't respond with "it is just the way it is", I refuse to believe that. What can I say or do to get some help, and to not be seen as "the maid"?

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