This is Spencer's book shelf after Mommy got her hands on it. Doesn't it look lovely?

Here is his bed, the bookshelf on the left of it. Don't know if you noticed, but his room is done in Sponge Bob.

This is the closet in his room, before. As you can see the roof angles down, making it hard for a grown up to get back in there. It is a pain in my butt to put clothes away. Plus, you have to limbo under the clothes that are hanging.

OK, this is the view into the toy room (aka the secret room). His bed is directly behind me, so when he is in bed, this is what he is looking at. Do you see the door on the left side in there? That is where I have moved his closet to. It is a normal size, and super clean.

Ok, this is the new closet. The view of the left side of it. For those of you who are wondering about the treasure, no I can not get that "door thing" open. We have no idea what is behind it or how to get to it. I am sure that it is just insulation.
Below is the view of the closet on the right hand. Look at those beautiful shelves that will very soon hold pants, jammies, socks and underwear.

Ok, now we are in the toy room. You can see the new closet on the left hand side of this picture. Those are the windows on the right.

Below is the other side of the toy room. To the right is the weird area without a name. This is going to be Bella's new closet. I don't understand why it is like that, but it will work perfectly for her closet. I plan on hanging some sort of drapes or sheers in that door frame so she can have her own space. Eventually she will move into Spencer's room, and Spencer will move down stairs into the office. He wants that room, but he is too young to be down there by himself for now. That way Bella gets a bigger room. Her room now is kind of small. Perfect for an office.

This is a better view of that space, the soon to be closet. You can also see Bella's crib in her room. Now do you guys get the hard to describe toy room?

This was taken just inside Bella's room, again her soon to be new closet.

So we have lived here for almost a year already. The downstairs is beautiful, and the kids rooms are ok, but our room and the toy room suck. Spencer is horrible about cleaning up after himself. I have tried to make it as easy for him as possible. I don't ask too much of him, I don't over organize things. I just ask that everything goes in a toy box when he is done with it. I use to have everything organized by what it was... cars, dinosaurs, ect..., but not anymore. He just has toooooo many little toys. So, again, as long as they are not on the floor, mommy is happy. So last night I went in there and cleaned cleaned cleaned. I cleaned his room, and then I moved into his toy room. The way it was, Bella could not play in there safely, so I got rid of all the little pieces, and now it is safe. I also wanted to move his clothes. Where they were I could not get to them very easily, and he could never find anything. I MADE him a new closet. It looks awesome. Today I am doing the same thing for Bella. Her room is not messy thought, she never plays in it. I wish I could bring up her big girl bed, but she is just not ready for it yet. I guess I am not ready for it either!! So, now I am making pancakes for us, then it is back to cleaning and organizing. Our room is on the list of things to organize today too. I want to be able to put my clothes away, and find them with in 5 seconds of looking. That is not too much to ask, is it?!?!
Cori, love your house, I can't imagine having space like you have and being able to move things, make new closets etc. etc....My house is soooo full, I wish I didn't love junque and stuff soooo much...ugh!
Off to sort...and dig in...I'm getting ready for a garage sale! Aunt Debbie~
ps...leave me a message on my blog sometime...I never know if anybody reads it or not...hate the thought of blogging to myself~ worse than talking to oneself...kinda scary~
i want to see your house now hee hee
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