Friday, July 18, 2008

Sour milk???

Bella just threw up on me. Man did that stink. I am not good with puke. I can totally handle poop. Bring it, I can pretty much handle any of it. But I loose all love for anyone that is puking. Just can not handle it. Damn good thing John was home, or we would have just left it on the floor and moved into the other room for the night. I can not do puke. I, of course, freaked out and my first instinct was to get my dirty clothes off of me. John, bless his heart, thought of the baby.

It got us thinking. She has been fine all day. Like I wrote earlier, she has been up from 9am (with 2 naps) and did not get or act sick at all. She had some dinner, not much, but really I don't blame her. I got her dressed for bed and warmed up some milk. This was the first milk of the day. With in 15 minutes she was loosing her dinner and milk. I instantly thought of the milk.

Wait, John and I just talked it out, and Spencer did not have any milk with dinner last night. Bella was the only one that had milk last night or tonight. That rules that out. It just must have been too much for her sour tummy. Any way, we have put her in her bed, she was sooooo sleepy. I only hope we make it through the night. I can not not not go without sleep 2 nights in a row. I did get a few cat naps here and there today, but not any real sleep. We are going to bed just as soon as I am done here.

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