Thursday, May 28, 2009


So, this is a duh point, but... OMG I am having a freaking baby!!!! I am going to be the mother of 3 in no more than 59 days. The closer it gets, and damn it is close, the more real it is getting.

You would think this being my 3rd baby, I would realize I am having a child. There is a difference in having a baby, and bringing home a child. Just think about it. Think back to your first baby. You did not realize that you were going to have a child until that baby was in your arms and is your responsibility. Right? While pregnant, you can only think of the baby. Well, I can not help but think of this child that I am going to have. I think having a 2 1/2 year old helps me realize that this baby is not going to be a baby for more than a few months, and that he is a child that needs to be raised. STRESSFUL.

I feel like I have already messed up poor Bella, what if I mess this one up too?!?! Oh Lord, help me be a patient, caring mother of 3. Cuz, I am not the patient mother of 2, that's for sure.

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