Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Oh yeah, that is it

So it just dawned on me the feelings that I have been having. I feel like I am being robbed of my last pregnancy. I feel like I can not do any of the things that a normal pregnant woman can do. I can not just have ice cream, or go for a hike with the family, or even finish the babies room. I like people to fuss over me while I am pregnant, but not in the way they are doing it now. I don't like being told "you can't do that", I hate knowing I can not lift that, or push this. This is my last pregnancy, and it is special to me because of that. Each of my pregnancies have been special, but this being my last, I wanted certain things from it. I wanted to spontaneously go into labor, and have the daily worries of when it is going to happen (but not at 28 weeks). I wanted to have the cute pregnancy clothes, but when you are on the couch all day, what is the freaking point. I am just glad that we decided before getting pregnant, that this was going to be our last pregnancy. I don't think it wise to have anymore pregnancies.

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