Wednesday, April 22, 2009


So I have yet to hear from my doctor about the ultrasound. That is sort of frustrating. They do not work on Fridays, so tomorrow is the last day for them to call. I have had to call every other time to get any results, and I wish I did not have to call this time too. What other choice do I have. I am not going to wait a week and a half to see what they have to say. This is my unborn child's life we are talking about, not a stupid rash or cold.

Have I mentioned that I have been having quite painful Braxton Hicks contractions. I know they are not labor contractions, but they are still quite strong. I am sooooo super worried that I am not going to make it to the end of July. Its like a quote I know... "Its like throwing a hot dog down a hall". I am worried that because it is my 3rd kid, that it is just going to fall out!!!! I know, I worry too much. I can not help it. I have a lot of time on my hands.

1 comment:

Debbie~ said...

Dear Cori,

I know waiting for the unknown is so scary and I think your Dr. should be more intune to your fears
(thats always been a pet peeve of mine, about Dr's.)! Hang in there, you're in my thoughts & prayers! Love & Big Hugs,
Auntie Debbie~