Friday, January 23, 2009

Wow its late...

I am awake. I don't want to be, but I am. RLS is a bitch. The dog was hot and panting. John's machine was really loud. The heater was on too high. I am up. There is nothing on TV, so I blog. I think I can blame caffeine for this mess too. I knew I should not have had that soda so late today.

I have been thinking about the baby today. Not being pregnant, but the baby. There is a difference in the two thoughts. I am coming to terms with the fact that there is a life inside of me. I have been feeling it move for about 2 weeks now, and that is making it more real. I am starting to get less worried about what the heck I am going to do as a mother of 3, and starting to be more excited about having a baby to hold and love that can't fight me and run away!!!! I was thinking about the bedroom situation too. After some more thought, I have come up with a new bedroom plan... and the family agrees with me. Spencer will be moving down stairs. Now I know what you are thinking. Why should he suffer for the new baby, but hear me out. Right now if Bella is in bed, Spencer is stuck down stairs without any of his toys. If he has forgotten something, he has to wait until she wakes up because he is too loud and wakes her up if he is up there. He is also a deep sleeper. After making a huge noise in the bathroom the other day, it came to me that if Twinkle had been sleeping in that bedroom next to the bathroom, he/she would have woken up. Spencer would have slept through it, or would have just gone right back to sleep without any problem. I have more points, but these 2 were enough for the 3 of us to decide sleeping downstairs IS a good idea after all. That being said... Bella will be getting Spencer's "old" room. This will save me some money too, because his room has trim in it just where I wanted it for her room. Now all I have to do is paint it. NICE. Now Twinkle will be getting Bella's room. It is the smallest room, and has the crib and changing table in it all ready. Just makes sense. I am very happy with my decisions and have set a date to move the boy down stairs.

This will make the toy room more clean too, because all of the boys toys will be down here. I was thinking if Twinkle is a girl, how freaking cute would it be to make that a total girl room in the old toy room. I can picture it now, pretty girl things everywhere!!!! I only hope I can get the futon up the stairs, and into that little room. I am sure it wont happen, but it would be cool if I could get it there.

Now all I have to do is...
Clean out Spencer's new room (Aunt Debbie knows what a chore that will be).
Paint Spencer's new room (color not yet talked about).
Move Spencer and all his stuff.
Get bed frame for Bella's big girl bed.
Paint Bella's new room.
Move her over (she owns like nothing, so that will be a 10 minute move!!!)
Get ultra sound of Twinkle, to find out what theme we are going with for him/her.
Paint and decorate Twinkle's room!!!

I am super excited about this list of things to do. I can not wait to get started. We are going to be cleaning Spencer's new room, painting and moving him Presidents weekend. Or at least that is moms plan. We will see!!!

Bella's room...
Pink on the top, and green on the bottom. All trim and doors will be painted white. All her stuff matches this, it is what her first room looked like. Nothing new, except the house.

Spencer's room...
He has a Sponge Bob theme right now, I will see if he wants to keep that. I can't really afford to change it right now. Plus, he is sort of in between ages and should be into something else soon. We will just wait.

Twinkle's room...
Light houses, sea life, sail boats, shells ect. I want bright colors, and happy fish!!
Not too sure yet. Going to wait for ultrasound, I am sure it is a boy, so I am not too worried.

Well, I think I am going to try that thing called sleep one more time. Or look for some good TV to watch, whatever. Goodnight (aka good morning!!!)

1 comment:

Denise said...

Mother of 3 is challenging and fun. You have to find a new rhythm to everything. With 2 kids it was easy to shop, go on trips etc but with 3 you are out numbered by yourself. You'll have to change your strategy before hand but then it becomes second nature. I had to learn how to let the little things slide and let be what will be. You'll relax more and it will all work out in the end.