Wednesday, January 28, 2009

14 1/2 weeks

So I am 14 1/2 weeks pregnant. I feel like it is dragging by, but at the same time, it is going to quick. I feel like the second half will go even faster, so I am freaking out. I am looking forward to the summer, and being beautiful and pregnant. This baby is seeming more and more real to me. I have been feeling it move around for a few weeks now, off and on, and that is super cool. I can not wait until the ultrasound in March to find out what is living inside of me. I do fear for the baby though. Bella is super rough, and mean, to be honest. My mom warns me that I should not leave the two of them together alone. I have seen her with other babies, and she loves them, but the "replacement" baby may be another story all together. I do feel better about having a third baby now though. I feel like it is going to be very hard, but fun. I will enjoy having a new born in the house again. I love holding them and dressing them up. I will cherish every moment I have with Twinkle, because it will be the last baby we are going to have (God willing). If I could have one wish, it would be that Bella would be nicer to her big brother, and listen. That would make the transition much easier.

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