Wednesday, September 3, 2008

First day of First Grade

So yesterday we went to Spencer's school for orientation. He got to meet his teacher Mrs. Wilson-Hoss, she seems nice. I was glad that his classroom was close to the door, that way he can find it by himself tomorrow when I just drop him off. While we were there we got information on Boy Scouts, got him a Bordeaux Bulldog teeshirt and prepaid for some hot lunches. It was fun. Last year we were in the moving process and could not really enjoy this knowing we were only going to be there for a month or so. Today John stayed home in the morning so we could all take him to school. He looked so handsome, I was very proud. Best dressed kid in Shelton, without a doubt!!!!

First day pictures. Too cute for words.

Yes, we followed him inside the school. I had to make sure my baby made it in OK. I have yet to hear from the school, so I am sure he is doing fine. I am going to get ready for work now, so I can meet him at the front door when he gets out.

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