Friday, July 31, 2009

My new baby

So Jackson and I have been 2 people for just over a week now. He was one week yesterday. I love that little boy so much. He is so beautiful, and on top of that, a really good baby. Or am I just a really good mommy. Tough call!!! I am sitting here typing at 1:35am waiting for him to wake up, because I was not sleepy when he went to sleep at 12ish. Today was not a normal day. I ended up back in the hospital last night because of high blood pressure. What a crappy night. I was hooked up to an IV all night and all day and given blood pressure meds that made me feel all weird. On top of that med, I was also given multiple narcotics for the headache that took me to the ER in the first place. There was a point this morning that I could not move. At all. All the meds had taken it all out of me. That being said, John and Jackson stayed in the room with me last night. I had to have John stay there if Jackson was going to stay because I could not take care of him on my own, and they were not responsible for him any more. That was fine because I did not want John to go, and I really did not want Jackson to go. The poopy side... John had to go to work today, so the baby had to go home. My mom has been here since Tuesday taking care of the me and the kids (side note... John did not think I could do it alone, cute huh??), so she had to watch all 3 kids alone. Had it not been for the drugs and being in a coma all day, I would have worried all day long.

My milk had come in in the last few days, but you don't really realize it until you can not feed your baby every 2-3 hours. I was able to pump at one point during the day, but by the time John came to pick me up, I was leaking all over the place. When I got home, Jackson was sleeping and was not hungry. I leaked forever!!! When he finally woke up he just snacked all night, and then when it was time to put him down for the night, he was not hungry. Damn it. That leaves me where I am now. Number 1... I could not get rid of that freaking headache that sent me to the hospital in the first place, so I drank a Mt. Dew and loaded up on ibuprofen. Now I am not sleepy. Number 2... I slept all day at the hospital and again, now I am not sleepy. The only thing getting me through this... my mom is here until Saturday night, and I can nap tomorrow when Bella is napping. Nice.

I have been sleeping on the couch since Saturday when we came home. Our bed is too high and with the c-section I could not get in or out without John's help and a ton of pain. Not to mention the heat. It has just been the best place for me. I wanted to move back up stairs tonight, but with the mix up in our little schedule we sort of had going until yesterday hit the fan, the baby was not having it. I guess I will try it again tomorrow night. I really want a good nights sleep in my bed. Maybe John will stay up with the baby one night this weekend.

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