Thursday, February 5, 2009

Working... Oh yeah

So my schedule has been cut down from 32 to 19-23 hours a week. We were down to 16 for a while, but I am back up to 19-23. I think of myself as blessed. I have a job still, and I still get to spend all day at home with my kids. I wish there was more money to go around, but right now I am in a good place.

That being said, I don't want to work at The Home Depot for the rest of my life. I am getting old, and if I am going to further my future, I should do it soon. We always said that when the kids were in school, I would become a working mom like the rest of the world. But here I sit, 4 months pregnant, with no sign of getting away. Not good enough. I have a few options of what I want to be when I grow up, but still have some sole searching to do first. Am I woman enough to be what I think I want to do.

Here is what I think I should do. I think I will work on my goal for the next 4 years. I want Bella to be in first grade before I start working full time. 2 reasons... first, daycare will be less expensive for twinkle if Bella is in school. Second reason, Spencer will be old enough to watch the kids if I should have to work after 3pm. I figure I will have enough friends in Shelton by then that I will be able to arrange rides for the kids. I am confident that having kids and working full time will work out just fine for us.

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