Christmas dinner at my mom and dads house.
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Christmas 2008
Well, looks like I forgot to post pictures of our Christmas. Here are just a few, for some reason I did not take all that many. That being said, here are my favorites!!!!
Decorating Christmas cookies durring one of the many snow storms.
Christmas dinner at my mom and dads house.
Christmas dinner at my mom and dads house.
Friday, December 26, 2008
The big 31
Turning 30 was a big deal to me. I was quite upset about it. I have to say, I did my best to not act or look my age. When someone asks me "how old do you feel...", I use to say 12. Even after I had Spencer, my answer was 12. I don't feel 12 any more. I feel like I am twentysomething. With every thing that I have, there is no way I could be 12. "12 year old gives birth to 3rd baby", yeah, that doesn't sound right. No, I feel 25-27. I will always picture my mom as 27, and now that I have so much going on in my life, I see myself more as my mom. So, I will now say... 27.
That being said, I will be 31 in 40 minutes. If you want to get technical, I was born at 2:27am, but I count midnight as my birthday. I love my birthday. What a special day a birthday is. I always stay up until midnight the night before so I can "ring in" my birthday. This year John is staying up with me. I can only thank myself, because if I had not gotten him the play station, he would be crying about how sleepy he is, and how he can't do it. I have no special plans for tomorrow. I have to work, and the entire day at that. I am sort of sad, but I have had so much time off work, there is just no way I could have taken tomorrow off. I get Monday-Thursday off next week too, so that will be super rad. Mom and Dad are going to come over on Sunday, and Dad is making his famous stuffed noodles with Alfredo sauce. Freaking amazing!!! Mark, Kyla and Mikey are coming over too. I can not wait for my parents to meet them (they are the neighbors across the street). They are the coolest people, and I know they will get along really well. 35 MINUTES UNTIL MY BIRTHDAY!!!
I have convinced John to leave my gifts out for me (he and I have to work tomorrow, him in the am, and me in the pm, so I wont see him until 10:30 tomorrow night and I can not wait that long to get them!!!). He wanted to give them to me tonight, but I know Spencer would be sad if I got them without him being there to see, so I am waiting until Spencer and I can open them together. I only wish that Bella could have had a birthday party, but the freaking snow (and lack of money) cause that to not happen this year. I was going to just have it in January, but I think I have decided that we are just going to skip it all together and give her a 3rd birthday to remember!!! It will be my best one yet, this I promise her.
28 MINUTES UNTIL MY BIRTHDAY!!! So we had a pretty good Christmas, minus all the events that were canceled because of the stupid snow. We spent Christmas Eve at John's parents house. I look forward to that every year, it is one of my favorite days, and spending it there is always fun. We did Christmas day at my parents house. Again, love doing that. It is always nice to spend the day with them, and have them cook wonderful meals for us. Good memories, and times. I am usually sad that the season is coming to an end, but I am sort of relieved that it is over. I am looking forward to the new year, and every thing that it has to offer. I don't like to do this, but here are 09 resolutions for 2009...
1) Be more organized. I mean with physical things.
2) Pay the bills on pay day!!!! This is a big problem for me, and always gets me in trouble.
3) Plan ahead financially.
4) Do at least 1 load of laundry (wash, dry, fold and put away) every day.
5) Explain things to my kids, and not raise my voice.
6) Wash my face before bed.
7) Have 2 garage sales in 2009, selling my projects, and crap from the house.
8) Cook at home more often, eat less fast food.
9) Paint the living room.
17 MINUTES UNTIL MY BIRTHDAY!!! So tomorrow I am 10 weeks pregnant. Very exciting. It is just so shocking how fast time goes bye. I am sad that my baby girl is 2 already, and my boy is going to be driving in 9 freaking years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I asked that magic 8 ball again tonight what the baby is, and again it said with out any hesitation that it is a boy. I have thought it was a boy from the day I knew I was pregnant (not found out, because I knew I was pregnant before the tests knew). 11MINUTES UNTIL MY BIRTHDAY!!! Man I want to go to bed. I am beat today. We all got up at 8 this morning. I keep doing this thing where I get up at between 2-5 am, and can't sleep. I just end up coming down stairs and watching TV for a hour or so. I think it is because I am hot and thirsty and have to pee. It works out fine, because the dog is also thirsty and has to pee, so I guess it is for a good reason. I was thinking about it the other day, and there has only been a hand full of night where I have slept through the night since Spencer came into the picture. Now I have at least 2 more years of getting up all night long. This is why people have babies in their 20's, not 30's. I am old and tired. 7 MINUTES UNTIL MY BIRTHDAY!!! I could go for some sweets right now. Oh, you know what I ate today... smoked oysters. I love smoked oysters. When I was just pregnant with Bella, I could not get enough of them. I would make a pit stop on the way home from work at 11pm and get 2 or 3 containers of them. They are goooooood! 3 MINUTES UNTIL MY BIRTHDAY!!!
That being said, I will be 31 in 40 minutes. If you want to get technical, I was born at 2:27am, but I count midnight as my birthday. I love my birthday. What a special day a birthday is. I always stay up until midnight the night before so I can "ring in" my birthday. This year John is staying up with me. I can only thank myself, because if I had not gotten him the play station, he would be crying about how sleepy he is, and how he can't do it. I have no special plans for tomorrow. I have to work, and the entire day at that. I am sort of sad, but I have had so much time off work, there is just no way I could have taken tomorrow off. I get Monday-Thursday off next week too, so that will be super rad. Mom and Dad are going to come over on Sunday, and Dad is making his famous stuffed noodles with Alfredo sauce. Freaking amazing!!! Mark, Kyla and Mikey are coming over too. I can not wait for my parents to meet them (they are the neighbors across the street). They are the coolest people, and I know they will get along really well. 35 MINUTES UNTIL MY BIRTHDAY!!!
I have convinced John to leave my gifts out for me (he and I have to work tomorrow, him in the am, and me in the pm, so I wont see him until 10:30 tomorrow night and I can not wait that long to get them!!!). He wanted to give them to me tonight, but I know Spencer would be sad if I got them without him being there to see, so I am waiting until Spencer and I can open them together. I only wish that Bella could have had a birthday party, but the freaking snow (and lack of money) cause that to not happen this year. I was going to just have it in January, but I think I have decided that we are just going to skip it all together and give her a 3rd birthday to remember!!! It will be my best one yet, this I promise her.
28 MINUTES UNTIL MY BIRTHDAY!!! So we had a pretty good Christmas, minus all the events that were canceled because of the stupid snow. We spent Christmas Eve at John's parents house. I look forward to that every year, it is one of my favorite days, and spending it there is always fun. We did Christmas day at my parents house. Again, love doing that. It is always nice to spend the day with them, and have them cook wonderful meals for us. Good memories, and times. I am usually sad that the season is coming to an end, but I am sort of relieved that it is over. I am looking forward to the new year, and every thing that it has to offer. I don't like to do this, but here are 09 resolutions for 2009...
1) Be more organized. I mean with physical things.
2) Pay the bills on pay day!!!! This is a big problem for me, and always gets me in trouble.
3) Plan ahead financially.
4) Do at least 1 load of laundry (wash, dry, fold and put away) every day.
5) Explain things to my kids, and not raise my voice.
6) Wash my face before bed.
7) Have 2 garage sales in 2009, selling my projects, and crap from the house.
8) Cook at home more often, eat less fast food.
9) Paint the living room.
17 MINUTES UNTIL MY BIRTHDAY!!! So tomorrow I am 10 weeks pregnant. Very exciting. It is just so shocking how fast time goes bye. I am sad that my baby girl is 2 already, and my boy is going to be driving in 9 freaking years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I asked that magic 8 ball again tonight what the baby is, and again it said with out any hesitation that it is a boy. I have thought it was a boy from the day I knew I was pregnant (not found out, because I knew I was pregnant before the tests knew). 11MINUTES UNTIL MY BIRTHDAY!!! Man I want to go to bed. I am beat today. We all got up at 8 this morning. I keep doing this thing where I get up at between 2-5 am, and can't sleep. I just end up coming down stairs and watching TV for a hour or so. I think it is because I am hot and thirsty and have to pee. It works out fine, because the dog is also thirsty and has to pee, so I guess it is for a good reason. I was thinking about it the other day, and there has only been a hand full of night where I have slept through the night since Spencer came into the picture. Now I have at least 2 more years of getting up all night long. This is why people have babies in their 20's, not 30's. I am old and tired. 7 MINUTES UNTIL MY BIRTHDAY!!! I could go for some sweets right now. Oh, you know what I ate today... smoked oysters. I love smoked oysters. When I was just pregnant with Bella, I could not get enough of them. I would make a pit stop on the way home from work at 11pm and get 2 or 3 containers of them. They are goooooood! 3 MINUTES UNTIL MY BIRTHDAY!!!
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
The maddness is almost over
I am so happy that Christmas is almost over. What a disappointing holiday this has been. I love snow and all, but we had to cancel the thing at my mom and dads, could not go to Yelm for John's family thing, and Bella's birthday party because of the snow. My dad is going to take us out to lunch tomorrow, but he says if it snows tonight, we will have to cancel that too. The only thing I have to hold onto it the fact that the parents, and my mom and dad will NOT cancel Christmas eve and Christmas day!!! No matter the weather, we will be there!!!
On the bright side, John and I have had last Sunday-this coming Thursday off. I also had Saturday off, but he had to work. He is out getting last minute stocking stuffers for me, and a gift for my dad that we just could not find. Later I will go to the dollar store to finish the kids stockings too. We pulled out the gifts for the kids, and realized that Bella had more gifts than Spencer, so John is also getting him one more. I think I had more for Bella because of her birthday, but since we canceled the party, she did not get them (worst birthday ever!!!), so I put two aside, and am giving her the rest for Christmas. We are going to do her party some time in January, and I will get her something else then.
This snow is just amazing to me. I thought for sure that it would have melted, or at least started melting, by now. I had to mail some bills out, and could not get to the mail box!! It is just crazy. I look forward to the day I can just get in the car and go again.
On the bright side, John and I have had last Sunday-this coming Thursday off. I also had Saturday off, but he had to work. He is out getting last minute stocking stuffers for me, and a gift for my dad that we just could not find. Later I will go to the dollar store to finish the kids stockings too. We pulled out the gifts for the kids, and realized that Bella had more gifts than Spencer, so John is also getting him one more. I think I had more for Bella because of her birthday, but since we canceled the party, she did not get them (worst birthday ever!!!), so I put two aside, and am giving her the rest for Christmas. We are going to do her party some time in January, and I will get her something else then.
This snow is just amazing to me. I thought for sure that it would have melted, or at least started melting, by now. I had to mail some bills out, and could not get to the mail box!! It is just crazy. I look forward to the day I can just get in the car and go again.
So Maggie has fit in just fine in the Tenney house hold. She has had an accent or 4, but still, compared to another puppy I have met, she is the best puppy ever. The only problems we are having right now are... Spencer thinks that when she is playing with him, that she is biting him. He doesn't quite understand that is how a puppy plays. Second... She is afraid of cats. I know, big bad German Shepard afraid of cats. It is a big problem though. You would think that the freaking cats had a knife to her neck, with how much she freaks out when they sneak up on her. She yelps like crazy and wont stop until we run in to save her and comfort her. Seriously, the biggest wimp I have ever met.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Puppy's name
Oh, buy the way, we have come to a decision on the dogs name... PRINCESS MAGGIE MOO COW TENNEY.
Snow day
Another snow day this week. That puts Spencer at 1 day at school this week. Tomorrow is the last day of the 2008 school year, lets see if he makes it in?!?! Any way, we had fun playing in the cold wet snow. Now keeping in mind that we live in Shelton, and not Olympia, we did not get much snow. As a matter of fact, it rained most of yesterday. It started snowing before I went to bed last night, and we got a whopping 2 inches by morning. The sun came out and it started to melt right away though. Very disappointing. Olympia (15 minute drive) has 7 freaking inches!!!! What is going on? Shelton is supposed to get more snow than Olympia. I want my money back. Here are some pictures of the fun from this morning.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Monday, December 15, 2008
8 week OB appointment
I had my doctor appointment today. It went well. I was happy that my doctor was happy to see me again. Her first question was "was this an intentional pregnancy!", only because it took so long and so much work to get pregnant with Bella. Any way, she did the pelvic thing, and yes there is a baby in there. I had a deep down fear that there was not a baby in there. I was asking her if the blood test I took on Friday came back yet, and she said it did and that my HCG levels were in the 50,000 range. I had been wondering if I was pregnant with twins. My symptoms have been much worse this time, and I am already showing. People at work have noticed, and I can really tell too. While she was doing my pelvic exam, she asked if I had to go potty, I said that I had just given them my sample, and that I did not have to go. At that point I was freaking out. Between the HCG levels, and the fact that my uterus was bigger than expected was too much. I already had an ultrasound scheduled for this coming Wednesday, but she wanted me to get one right then. I was really really freaking out at that point. Anyway, to the point of my little story... I had the quick ultrasound, and no, there is not 2 babies in there, only one. Thank God. I know it is hard to see, but the picture is of "Twinkle". I am 8 weeks and 2 days today, and according to the ultrasound lady, that is right on track with what it is measuring.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Thursday, December 11, 2008
I am feeling better today. I started feeling better after I ate lunch yesterday. I actually felt good enough to make cookies with Spencer last night. I did not eat any, but still made them. He had fun, I guess. I am a control freak, and him in the kitchen with me is a huge pet peeve of mine. Any way, we both lived through it, and the cookies came out just fine.
So I ended up having to reschedule my appointment yesterday. I wish I could have gotten it out of the way, but I have to go in tomorrow morning instead. Spencer has no school tomorrow, so now we all get to go. Every one keeps trying to convince me that I just have morning sickness, but how does morning sickness only last 2 days, and make me feel as horrible as I did for 48 hours. No, to me it was the flu. John says it could not have been, because the kids did not get sick. I am just not convinced it wasn't the flu. I am just glad it is over. I still feel a little nauseous, but I am counting that as being pregnant. If I don't have food in my stomach at all times, I start to feel sick again. I remember feeling sort of sick weeks 6-12 with Bella, but I don't think it was anything like this. I never felt sick with Spencer. I am still at that point where I am afraid to eat. I don't want to feel sick, and I am afraid that what ever I eat will be bad. PERSONAL PART COMING... The good news about being sick the past few days... not being constipated!! What a relief. Again, another side effect of being a mommy to be.
Any who. Today's goals... Do a few loads of laundry, do the little dishes left over from baking yesterday, finish baking the remaining cookie dough, perhaps mix up the sugar cookie dough (just so it is easier for us to roll them and cut them), wrap at least 5 presents and SHOWER!!!! Ok, chances are I will wait until tomorrow and let Spencer help me make the sugar cookie dough. Wish me luck!!!
So I ended up having to reschedule my appointment yesterday. I wish I could have gotten it out of the way, but I have to go in tomorrow morning instead. Spencer has no school tomorrow, so now we all get to go. Every one keeps trying to convince me that I just have morning sickness, but how does morning sickness only last 2 days, and make me feel as horrible as I did for 48 hours. No, to me it was the flu. John says it could not have been, because the kids did not get sick. I am just not convinced it wasn't the flu. I am just glad it is over. I still feel a little nauseous, but I am counting that as being pregnant. If I don't have food in my stomach at all times, I start to feel sick again. I remember feeling sort of sick weeks 6-12 with Bella, but I don't think it was anything like this. I never felt sick with Spencer. I am still at that point where I am afraid to eat. I don't want to feel sick, and I am afraid that what ever I eat will be bad. PERSONAL PART COMING... The good news about being sick the past few days... not being constipated!! What a relief. Again, another side effect of being a mommy to be.
Any who. Today's goals... Do a few loads of laundry, do the little dishes left over from baking yesterday, finish baking the remaining cookie dough, perhaps mix up the sugar cookie dough (just so it is easier for us to roll them and cut them), wrap at least 5 presents and SHOWER!!!! Ok, chances are I will wait until tomorrow and let Spencer help me make the sugar cookie dough. Wish me luck!!!
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
I feel icky
So to puked my guts out today. At first I thought it was just morning sickness, and that the puking was just part of being a mommy. But then I continued to throw up all freaking day long. My only guess is that it is the flu. So far, I am the only one sick, but I don't see why the kids wouldn't get this. With all the kisses and hugs we all share, and drinks and spoons too, they are goners. I only hope that they don't get it, and that it is all done.
That being said, tomorrow I have my nurse appointment at my doctors office. Basically it is just them telling me how to be pregnant, like I don't know how to do this!! They will also tell me how much money I will owe them for the next 7 months. UUUGGG. That will be a stressful day, for sure. Oh well, at least they break it down in to 7 payments. I only hope their prices have not gone up to incredibly bad. 2 years ago, it was 90.00 a month. I am also sure I will get blood drawn, and weighed too. So all together, it should be a fun day. I just hope I am all better by tomorrow. I made the appointment weeks ago, and thought an early appointment would be best, but now that I am sick, early sucks.
That being said, tomorrow I have my nurse appointment at my doctors office. Basically it is just them telling me how to be pregnant, like I don't know how to do this!! They will also tell me how much money I will owe them for the next 7 months. UUUGGG. That will be a stressful day, for sure. Oh well, at least they break it down in to 7 payments. I only hope their prices have not gone up to incredibly bad. 2 years ago, it was 90.00 a month. I am also sure I will get blood drawn, and weighed too. So all together, it should be a fun day. I just hope I am all better by tomorrow. I made the appointment weeks ago, and thought an early appointment would be best, but now that I am sick, early sucks.
Friday, December 5, 2008
7 Weeks already?!?!

So tomorrow I am 7 weeks pregnant. That is freaking me out just a bit. I only have 33 weeks to get every thing ready!!!! Lets get real, I will be freaking huge by week 30, and it will be hard to get things done", so I only have 23 weeks!! The pressure is on now!! My list of things to do...
* paint room
* trim room
* get Bella potty trained
* get Bella in her big girl bed
* move all baby stuff down stairs
* go through baby clothes, wash and put away (if a girl)
* purchase clothes (if a boy)
I also wanted to get Bella's room done before "Twinkle" comes. I had planned on doing that before we decided to have another baby.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Just when I thought my boobs could not get any bigger, I got pregnant. Man, just in the last week alone, these bad boys have gotten sore and big. Bella likes to use them to help herself up, and that hurts. Nothing like an elbow in the boob. Good times. She also thinks it funny to push on them, as if they are play-doh. Wana know how to make Bella laugh, say "ouch". She thinks it is soooo funny to hurt people.
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